Our Maine Guiding Season Starts June 15th On the Kennebec River


Our 5th season in Boca Grande / Charlotte Harbor winds down June 7th. We’ll be closing up the house and heading north a few days later. Along the way we’ll be stopping in the Orvis Stores in Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC to do some networking and drop off some brochures. There are several posts, videos and pictures about the great season we had in the Florida section of the website.

2014-ktavern-night-time  2014-KT-logo


We’ll be operating from the Kennebec Tavern and Marina again this year (our 23rd year there!) A great big Thank you to Gene, Kristy and Peter for putting up with me and the steady flow of clients passing through their dockside deck every summer. Can’t wait to “Kick Back on the Kennebec” with a cold HSA and a plate Tavern Nachos with Barb. Hope to see you there!


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