Obsession Sportfishing Donates a Portion of Charter Fees to Everglades Restoration

In support of Orvis' commitment to restoring the everglades and Florida's southern rivers I am donating a portion of each 2017 charter fee to the Everglades Trust. I applaud Orvis for becoming involed in this important cause. I became an Orvis Endorsed Guide over 20 years ago because of the Company's commitment to conservation. Those of us who make our livelihood from natural resources should give back to them. - Capt. Dave Pecci

The Orvis Company is partnering with anglers to help the Everglades Foundation save America's iconic wetland. Orvis will match every donation dollar for dollar up to $45,000 for a total contribution of $90,000.

To help, send your check to: The Everglades Foundation c/o The Orvis Company 178 Conservation Way Sunderland, VT 05250, or donate online.

I challenge all of you to donate to this extremely important cause. 

First, Join Orvis in the Fight to Save America's Iconic Wetland by signing the #NowOrNeverglades Petition Today! 

Second donate to the Everglades Foundation and Orvis will match your donation dollar for dollar.
