Maine Fishing Reports

Capt. Dave posts his recent Maine fishing reports.

Mid Summer Fly Fishing for Kennebec River Striped Bass

Flyrodding for Striped Bass is always a bit challenging this time of year. Add in the heat and the big moon this week and you have a recipe for lots of casts and few results..


Kennebec River Fishing Report July 14th, 2024

Conditions: The River has muddied up a bit due to a lot of inland rain from Hurricane Beryl's remnants last week. Flow is up slightly. Hopefully by mid week conditions will improve.

Bait the fish are feeding on: River Herring, Pogies, Sea Herring, Sand eels.

Target species right now: Striped Bass

Bill Farland with a nice 33" fly rod striper. 

02-13-17 Obsession Charters Fishing Report

Bob Emmons Catching Kennebec River Striped Bass 07-09-24

Friend and client Bob Emmons joined me Tuesday for a fun morning on the Kennebec River. Light winds and a perfect tide produced this beauty on one of our favorite spots above Bath. There was a small school of fish this size smashing adult river herring. We also had some action in the lower river where they were feeding on sea herring and pogies..We caught them on artificial lures and eels. Always a pleasure to have Bob on the boat, he has fished with me for more than 20 years!. Sorry that his fishing partner and granddaughter Nat couldn't come on this trip, she would have loved seeing "Bumpa" reel in this big one.


Mid June Striped Bass Fishing on the Kennebec

Natalie holds up one of the striped bass she caught on her mid June charter

Capt. Dave Pecci Obsession Sportfishing Charters

July Kennebec River Striped Bass Fishing

Despite the rainy weather we are getting some great fish this summer. 


The Kennebec River Striped Bass Fishery

The excellent striped bass fishing on the Kennebec River is not by happenstance. It comes from decades of stewardship. I recently celebrated this amazing fishery with Maine's Commissioner of Marine Resources Pat Keliher, his wife Deirdre, and daughter Kaitlin.

"A great fishery needs healthy habitat and forage. The Kennebec has both in abundance..."

Capt. Dave Pecci 6-27-22

And So It Begins - Kennebec River Striped Bass 2022

​I returned from the heat of Pine Island Sound and Boca Grande two weeks ago and the Kennebec River striper season is already in high gear! The River is stuffed with stripers ranging from 16" to 32"  

"One of the best starts of the Kennebec River striper season in years."

Capt. Dave Pecci

Kennebec River Fishing Report July 1, 2021

Fishing Conditions: Water clarity and current levels are good. Salinity is up due to the lack of rain. Bait size varies from 1" sand eels to 9" throughout the lower 15 miles of the river. Boat traffic has increased now that the catch and release season has ended. The boat ramps still have parking spots though, even on the weekends...

If you are fishing a rip or bank with other boat set up a rotation and drift through so everyone can gets an opportunity.

Capt. Dave Pecci

The 2021 Maine guiding season has started.

​Hi everyone! June is here and so are the striped bass. There are stripers spread throughout the lower 11 miles of the river. There is an incredible amount of bait ranging in size from 1 1/2" sand eels to 8" river herring.  2021 striped bass fishing is off to a good start. Capt. Dave Pecci 2021 stiped bass fishing is off to a good star...

August Fishing Forecast

The fishing has been very good all summer so far. It been a bright spot in this summer of uncertainty...

We are catching 10-20 striped bass per trip on flies and lures. No complaints about that!

Capt. Dave Aug 2, 2020

Kennebec River Estuary / Eastern Casco Bay Fishing Report 07/29/2019

Fishing Conditions: The striped bass have somewhat settled into their mid-summer habits. Water flow and clarity in the Kennebec River are both good. Water temps are 62*in the lower river and 78* near Merrymeeting Bay. This week will have morning rising tides.

Type of bait fish are feeding on...cont.

Now is the time to start paying attention to your fish finder.

Capt. Da e Pecci 07-29-19

Kennebec River Estuary / Eastern Casco Bay Fishing Report 07/08/2019

Fishing Conditions: Big tides this week has diminished the water clarity and increased the flow. Surface feeds have been less frequent. Type of bait fish are feeding on:... (continued)

We are settling into typical July fishing. Most of
the striped bass have now are staged along structure waiting for bait to come
to them.

Capt. Dave Pecci 07-08-19

Kennebec River Estuary / Eastern Casco Bay Fishing Report 07/01/2019

Fishing Conditions: The schools of striped bass in the river are starting to settle into typical summer routines. New schools are showing up too. Water flow will be moderate this week. Clarity is good especially in the lower river...

"There's still some need for exploration but the
fish are settling down and becoming a bit more predictable."

Capt. Dave Pecci 07-01-19

Kennebec River Estuary / Eastern Casco Bay Fishing Report 6-20-2019

 Fishing Conditions: Good and improving. Schools of stripers are entering the estuary daily. They have not settled into their usual patterns, but they are now much easier to find. Surface action is taking place quite often.

"Today we caught somewhere around 40 striped bass up to 24" and, we also caught 5 20-22" shad!"

Capt. Dave Pecci June 19th, 2019

Kennebec River – Casco Bay Fishing Report June 26, 2018

Conditions: There is a large abundance of bait in the Kennebec. Water temps range from 57* to 68*. Water clarity and water flow are average for late June. We are finding stripers feeding on the surface daily but the action is less predictable than in past weeks. The fish are ranging in size from 14"-30" with a few bigger ones here and there. We are averaging 20 fish per trip right now on fly and spinning gear.
Bait the fish are feeding on: Juvenile Atlantic Herring, Sand eel, Alewife, River Herring, American Eel, Mackerel
Target species right now: Striped Bass

The striped bass are becoming more selective due to the huge abundance of bit in the River.

Capt. Dave Pecci

Striped Bass fishing June 17, 2918

John Kern and his niece Caroline fishing for striped bass on the lower Kennebec in June

Capt. Dave Pecci - Obsession Sportfishing

Striped Bass Videos - Week of July 23, 2017

Another incredible week on the Kennebec River! Pretty much nonstop action every morning on flies and lures. No bate needed. Catching striped bass up to 32" in many spots on the River. Here's three videos from this week:

Bill Farland joined me again on July 25th for a fantastic morning of striped bass fly fishing. We caught over 25 fish and several over 24" the biggest one weighed in at 7 pounds and was 28" long. 


Kennebec River Striped Bass Fishing Videos

The Striped Bass Fishing on the Kennebec River is HOT and shows no signs of slowing down. We're catching them on flies, lures and bait. Averaging 20 fish a trip right now. Keeper sized fish are a bit scarce but tons of nice stripers between 15" and 27". And many of them are fatties! The water temps are starting to rise causing the stripers and the bait to hold in deeper water. Surface action is sporadic but the fishing is excelent if you fish deep.

Reserve your fishing charters soon - I only have 14 open dates between now and Labor day.      Capt. Dave Pecci

Micheal Arthur Charter July 21st

Micheal and his buddies caught somewhere around 20 fish on Friday using jigheads with Super Flukes tails. Micheal caught a really nice one on bait. It was almost 28" and weighed about 8 pounds. We had some sporadic surface feeds which is always a bonus in mid-July. 


Kennebec River – Casco Bay Fishing Report July 10, 2017

Early morning surface action followed by fish stacking up on ledges and in rips. Water quality is good and water flow is increasing due to the big full moon tides.​..   Continued

"We are catching 20-30 fish per trip on flies and lures! Sizes are ranging from 12" to 32" with some fish over 36".​"

Capt. Dave Pecci

Kennebec River – Casco Bay Fishing Report July 1, 2017

              Jerry and Karl had a fun morning catching 20+ stripers on fly in just 4 hours June 29th.

Conditions: The striped bass fishing is excellent both on fly and spinning gear. Lots of stripers in the River up to 32" with some biguns around. Water clarity is... cont.

"Fly and lure size matters more than color right now..."

07-01-17 Fishing Report - Capt. Dave Pecci

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